Baltimore eagle gay bar

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Since that time, the Parrish family rehabbed the structure, leased it to 4 Crazy Guys, LLC, and licensed the use of the brand “Baltimore Eagle” to 4 Crazy Guys, LLC. Unfortunately, this has been far from the case.Īs a matter of clarification, the building and the brand “Baltimore Eagle” was purchased by the Parrish Family prior to the original’s closing in 2012. It was to be a joyous and fun, if also challenging, path that we would follow to retirement. When we started this endeavor just about four years ago, we were practically in disbelief that we would have the honor of re-imagining how a leather bar and an LGBT bar might serve the community in this new era. It has been a labor of love for a community, city, and state that we have come to feel very strongly about. We hope that we were able to provide a space that served this community well and that we exceeded your expectations.įor the past four years we have poured our hearts, souls, and resources into this project.

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It has been our distinct pleasure to serve the LGBT and leather/fetish communities of the Mid-Atlantic region for the past year and a half. 4 Crazy Guys, LLC, the current management of Baltimore Eagle, are sad to announce that we are ceasing operation of Baltimore Eagle effective Wednesday July 25, 2018.

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